Gentle Dove Ministries International (GDMI) is a ministry dedicated to the Gentleness, Peace, Hope and Love of our Lord Jesus Christ.


I Must Forgive

The Lord has really been speaking to us about forgiveness lately. As a matter of fact we saw a documentary about ‘near death’ experiences. One person was shocked to learn how serious the Lord is about forgiving others as we have been forgiven, as in the Lord’s prayer in Matthew 6:12 (NLT). As the story goes he was expecting to go on into heaven but because of unforgiveness in his heart he would not have gone there.

How many of us are working hard for the Lord but at the same time are harboring something deep in our souls from yesterday, or this morning or even years ago? We have learned from experience that it’s not uncommon to have to lay something down over and over again every time it rears its ugly head. Forgiveness is a process and a choice. Some people find the language of saying “I choose to forgive” helpful to put some issue to rest.

This is a serious matter that we need to pay close attention to. Matthew 6:14-15 says, “If you forgive those who sin against you, your heavenly Father will forgive you. But if you refuse to forgive others, your Father will not forgive your sins.” How much more plainly do we need that spelled out for us?

In Luke 6:37, Jesus says, “Do not judge others, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn others, or it will all come back against you. Forgive others, and you will be forgiven.” He also goes on to say in Mark 11:25 that “……….when you are praying, first forgive anyone you are holding a grudge against, so that your Father in heaven will forgive your sins, too.”

Matthew 5:23-24 says if we’re at the altar with a gift or sacrifice and we suddenly remember that someone else has something against us, that we should stop and go be reconciled to that person before coming back to present our gift. By the world’s standards that is way out there! Not only do we have to forgive but as Romans 12:18 (NIV) puts it we must live in peace with everyone as far as it depends on us.

Our God is a forgiving God as seen in Psalm 86:5 and Isaiah 55:7 where it says he is ready to forgive and forgives generously. But we must remember that He is also a just God.

Luke 24:47 reminds us there is forgiveness of sins for all who repent but Hebrews 9:22 says there is no forgiveness without the shed of blood which points to the price and redemption for us paid by Jesus Christ.

The Holy Spirit is here with us today and will convict us and remind us of the things that need to be tended to in our lives. Jesus sent Him here to live in us to help us and comfort us after he ascended into heaven.

I John 1:9 says that he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins but we have a part in the relationship as well and that is to learn to forgive others quickly. Forgiveness isn’t necessarily a feeling, it is a choice; a choice that sometimes must be made over and over again.

I don’t know about you but I’m working at taking all those daily irritations, disagreements, judgments and condemnations a lot more seriously as they stand not only between me and my forgiveness but in the larger picture between me and my salvation.

As we saw in the life of Joseph, God is in control. We don’t have to fight our own battles or try to control others. In the words of Genesis 50:20, what is meant by others for harm God can turn around for our good.

The only way the world is going to see Jesus in us is as we become more Christ like and go against our human nature and forgive one another. We choose to forgive.

Shalom……..Marvin and Diana

Thanks to Microsoft Clip Art for use of the graphic.


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