Gentle Dove Ministries International (GDMI) is a ministry dedicated to the Gentleness, Peace, Hope and Love of our Lord Jesus Christ.


Seedtime and Harvest

“As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease.” – Genesis 8:22 (NIV)

Seedtime and harvest, we all enjoy getting the harvest and we know we have to plant seeds. It’s the TIME part that gets a little more complicated!! Most of us don’t excel in the waiting department, but Galatians 6:9 (NLT) says the harvest will come at the appropriate time if we don’t get discouraged and give up.

Marvin and I have been sowing and believing for certain harvests for what seems like a very long time and it’s hard not to get discouraged from time to time. We just have to keep remembering that God has a definite plan for our lives and that he will honor the seeds that we’ve sown right on time. That’s HIS time, not ours.

In our experience, God is always on time but rarely seems to be early. We have example after example where God has been there for us time after time, but we all know that God’s time is not the same as ours. I think he likes to see his children surrender to him and learn to trust that he has our best interests at heart.

All through the Bible God speaks to us about sowing and reaping and seedtime and harvest. It’s rather sobering to think that every action, every word, every deed, every act of giving, and so on is a seed of sorts that will reap a harvest according to whatever kinds of seeds we have sown.

Does that get your attention? It did mine. What have you been yearning for in your heart? God has shown us his principles and all we have to do is continue doing good by sowing good seeds, not get discouraged, and get ready for the harvest.

God shows us in 2 Corinthians 9:10-11 (NLT), that he gives us many opportunities to do good and that it produces a great harvest of generosity in us. God in turn blesses us even more so we can be even more generous and then he will get even more praise and thanksgiving not only from us but also those being blessed.

God encourages us to sow righteousness in Hosea 10:12 (NLT) and Proverbs 11:18 (NIV) in order to receive a sure reward and a crop of his love. I’ve always known that I needed to sow righteousness but I never realized there were rewards and returns.

I don’t know about you but I want to begin choosing my seeds more wisely, keeping in mind that I will be reaping the harvest at the appropriate time. Thanks be to God our heavenly Father that he loves us and wants the best for us, but there is a part for us to do. Receiving the type of harvest we want is entirely up to us.
Shalom………Marvin and Diana

Thanks to for use of this fabulous photo.


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