Gentle Dove Ministries International (GDMI) is a ministry dedicated to the Gentleness, Peace, Hope and Love of our Lord Jesus Christ.


Anointing Door Bells?

It was just business as usual, another day, another dollar so to speak. Two more hours til closing time at the home improvement store where Marvin works.

It's extraordinary the way God sends people Marvin's way that need prayer, encouragement, help in some way, even salvation or healing. After all, it is only a job you might be tempted to think, but we have found that God places us where we can do the most for Him and of course He's always looking for ways to bless us as well.

If we all look around, no matter where we work God puts people in our paths every single day that need His love, care, and understanding.

The physically handicapped are the people that tug hardest on Marvin's compassion. He often finds himself in the midst of helping customers, wandering up and down the aisles doing his work, silently praying for the physical and spiritual healing of unsuspecting customers, one right after another through the course of a days work.

Ahhhhhhh, what about the door bell you ask?

As I was saying, it was about two more hours until closing time and about four more hours before all the work was finished and Marvin could start home.

A woman wandered into his electrical department and was inquiring about the remote door bell button she was holding that wasn't working anymore. She was concerned about whether she needed a new one or if this one just needed batteries or something.

After examining the item, Marvin told her it probably just needed new batteries and got them for her. The back of the remote door bell was missing and she asked about putting tape on it to hold it together. Marvin explained to her that the back was probably still mounted on the wall at her house.

She began to tell Marvin about how her son was getting more and more ill, having been diagnosed with AIDS and that they placed the door bell in his bedroom so he could let them know when he needed something.

She said that he was so ill now that he could no longer raise up to push the button so she really needed it where he could just hold it or lay it by the bed side in case he needed to get their attention.

Marvin looked around his work area and found a heavy plastic sleeve that the door bell perfectly slid into. He cut out just enough of the plastic on the front for the button to push through.

She was so pleased and so grateful and as she turned to leave, the Holy Spirit prompted Marvin to call out to her. He asked her if she would like for him to pray with her about her son and she said yes.

Marvin and I always carry anointing oil with us, so he pulled out the little vial of oil, anointed the door bell button and prayed that every time the young man had to ring the door bell that God would meet his every need.

Isn't it wonderful that God wants to help us no matter who we are or where we are in our lives? Isn't it wonderful that no matter what circumstances we're in that there is hope through Jesus Christ our Lord? Isn't it awesome that the Holy Spirit comforts and nudges us when He needs a vessel to do the Lord's work?

Look around your place of business. What are the opportunities presented before you each and every day? Thank you Lord that we can be used by you to be an encourager and a blessing to others.....even by way of a simple thing like a door bell. Shalom, Marvin and Diana


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