Gentle Dove Ministries International (GDMI) is a ministry dedicated to the Gentleness, Peace, Hope and Love of our Lord Jesus Christ.


Having Fun With God!!!!!

I have a little game that I play with my Father God.....

It's a game that helps me remember all day long that He is always thinking of me no matter what's going on in my life at the moment, AND more importantly, reminds me to think more often of Him.

Admittedly, it's a silly little game but it works to keep me focused on Him and to remind me that He loves me.

It has to do with what time it is and it's a lot more fun to play using a digital clock. Have you ever thought about how many times a day you check the time? It's a LOT!!

The game you ask? It's simple.......anytime the clock displays the same number for the hour as it does for the minutes like 5:55, 11:11, or 3:33, I remember that God is in control of my life, He's loving me, and He's interested in my day!

When I see those times, it automatically makes me smile and take a deep breath as a feeling of peace comes over me. No matter what I'm in the middle of I stop and say "Hello Father". Even if it's just for that brief instance before I get back to whatever it is I'm doing at the moment, it reminds me of His love for me. Maybe you'd like to try too......

How wonderful it is to know that among all His admirable attributes, God is a fun and a happy God. It's great to have fun with Him no matter what your age! He loves to see His children happy! Shalom.....Diana and Marvin


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well thats something I had not thought about. Thanks Do you ever wake up in the middle of the night and can't go back to sleep? Try asking God who he woke you up to pray for. You will get a name or a face immediately. Pray for that person and you will be suprised at how quickly you are waking up to a new day. Deacon

7:23 AM


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